Foot and Mouth Disease

You may have been hearing about Foot and Mouth Disease in the News recently, but what is it and why are we hearing about it suddenly?

Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a virus that effects all cloven foot animals (cattle and pigs mainly, but also sheep, goats, camelids, and buffalo. Disease is not seen in horses). The disease causes blisters to form on the feet and mouth, and while this rarely causes death, it can affect productivity (weight gain and milk production etc.) and be painful.

Why is it so important?

When a property has a positive animal, it becomes very difficult to contain the virus from spreading to other stock within the property and between properties. It is transmitted through aerosol, direct contact or in the environment (pasture, troughs, equipment etc.) when the blisters pop. It is also spread through feeding livestock meat products (swill feeding) which is illegal in Australia.

The virus is very resistant to disinfection and very contagious therefore difficult to contain when present on a property. Animals become contagious often before showing clinical signs. Vaccines do exist however there are many serotypes (variations) of the virus and while the vaccine is somewhat protective for a short period, it does not prevent disease in all serotypes. All these factors are the reason the disease is so difficult to manage when an outbreak occurs.

How does this impact producers?

The biggest impact of the disease is economical, as countries with FMD are not able to export meat products to other countries that are disease free. As well as this, when FMD is detected in a disease-free country, control measures include slaughter of all affected animals and mass vaccination. When considering the rapid spread of disease and difficulty reducing transmission, the loss of stock is often great.

Why is it suddenly in the news?

Recently FMD has been detected in Bali which has previously been disease free. FMD is currently endemic in some areas of Asia, most of Africa and the Middle East.  It is not a new disease, but Bali’s proximity to Australia and the frequency of flights (both commercial and domestic) from Bali is the reason the disease has become newsworthy.

So, what can we do?

As producers or owners, it is important to monitor stock for evidence of blisters or lesions on the mouth or feet and immediately contact us if you are worried. Maintaining good biosecurity on farm is vital, including quarantining of new stock, not swill feeding and good hygiene between properties (this includes cleaning and disinfecting boots, changing dirty clothes, and washing hands well). If you have been travelling overseas to a FMD positive country, ensure boots are either disposed of or cleaned properly before interacting with livestock.

Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV)

In recent weeks, another “new” virus has been making the news in Australia. In fact, this virus is NOT new, and not even new to our shores. It has however, just shown up in areas where it has never been before, in case numbers not seen before, and at a time when mother nature has made it potentially very easy for it to get around.

What is it?

Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) is in the same “family” as the viruses that cause Dengue Fever, West Nile Virus and Yellow Fever. Like these diseases, it is spread by mosquitos.

Where is it found?

According to World Health Organisation data, the virus is endemic (regularly found) in 24 countries in South East Asia and the Western Pacific. The first documented case of JEV was in Japan in 1871. Two cases of the disease were detected in Far North Queensland in 1998 and the disease occurs sporadically in the Torres Strait Islands. The Torres Strait Islands and Cape York Peninsula are monitored closely for incursions of the virus.

Recently, the disease was detected in southern Australia by a veterinarian undertaking a disease investigation in a piggery. Since this initial finding, JEV has been detected in a total of 21 pig farms in Victoria, NSW, SA and Qld (accurate as 7/3/2022). JEV has been confirmed in several people in these areas.

How does it spread?

Water birds (e.g. egrets and herons) are the main source of the virus. Mosquitos bite these birds and carry the virus-laden blood to other species. Like water birds, pigs appear to be another “amplifying” host and the virus can replicate in their blood to levels where mosquitos can bite pigs and then infect other animals. Mosquitos are the only way for the virus to travel. The virus cannot travel directly from bird to pig, pig to horse, horse to human etc.

What are the symptoms?

Encephalitis is the medical term for inflammation of the brain. Luckily, most human cases JEV infection are asymptomatic. Milder symptoms include neck stiffness, headache, vomiting and fever. However, more severe symptoms can include seizures, paralysis, coma and death. There is no treatment for the virus.  Neurological changes are usually permanent.

Most infections in animals are asymptomatic. Disease in pigs and horses is more common, with reports in other species rare.

In pigs, the major presentation is for reproductive disturbances such as abortions, malformed and mummified foetuses. Adult boars may have swollen testicles and be infertile. Piglets that are born alive may be weak. When younger piglets become infected, they can develop symptoms ranging from depression through to paralysis, seizures and death.

In horses, symptoms can range from fever, and lethargy to a range of neurological signs including incoordination, difficulty swallowing, impaired vision, coma and death.  It is important to note here that these neurological symptoms can look very similar to those of Hendra Virus.

What treatments are available?

There are no treatments for the disease in animals. A vaccine is available for use in horses and pigs in countries where the virus is endemic, but it is not yet registered for use in Australia.

The most effective thing that can be done at the moment is to reduce the chances of being bitten by mosquitoes. In people, insect repellent sprays, window screens and keeping your skin covered are all helpful. It is also important to reduce potential breeding sites for mosquitoes Rugs and animal-specific insect repellents on horses and pet pigs can assist in keeping them protected.

If you have any concerns about your self or your animals, please do not hesitate to seek further information from your health care professional or your vet.

Information sources:

  • Dr Debbie Thorne (co-author)
  • Australian Veterinary Association
  • Biosecurity Queensland
  • World Health Organisation

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